Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Pros of Conifers

OK, so I'm already interrupting what should be the peaceful quiet of this impending holiday (note: does not apply to 2/3 of the world's population), but I just came across this and thought it would be good to get this out there beforehand.

What do you do with your Xmas tree and wreaths once 2005 rolls around? Bring them to New York City's Mulchfest. On Saturday January 8 and Sunday January 9 from 10am-2pm, sites throughout the city will be collecting trees to turn into mulch that will be used in New York City parks. Check out the list to find the closest site to you. You green thumb types can also bring a bag to get your own free mulch.

Of course now that I look into it, the NYC Dept. of Sanitation will be collecting trees from the street January 6th to 15th, turning them into wood chips and compost as well. So kudos to NYC for finding constructive ways to re-use several million pine trees and making it easy to take part.


Blogger Listmaker said...

i love this entry. not only are you giving us helpful advice, but you've written it like a letter to entertainment weekly.

kudos to fightin' words for being so informative and entertaining!

December 23, 2004 at 4:14 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

well Dan, EW has been scouting me for quite some time, so i figured that playing along could lead to that big break i've been hoping for.

December 27, 2004 at 9:07 AM  

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