Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Choose The Blue

I'd like to thank Jim for the opportunity to join him in this bastion of progressive free thinking. Or liberal bitch-fest, though hopefully we'll manage to avoid that for the most part.

Since one of the best ways to measure approval in this country is by dollar signs, I'd like to make my first contribution here by helping you to figure out where to spend your money. The website Choose the Blue is doing exactly that by listing companies and then showing the breakdown of the money given by each to Democrats and Repulbicans during the last election cycle. By choosing companies who give more money to the Democrats (or avoiding those that support Republicans) you can have a more significant effect on the political process. And the listings are pretty interesting and in some cases surprising: Anheuser-Busch leans Red (lending more credence to my boycott), while Guinness and it's brethren go Blue. Ticketbastard? Overwhelmingly Blue. Mr. Gatti's? Red (sorry Dan). Arby's? 100% Blue. Target follows their color scheme and is Red while Costco checks out Blue. Take a look for yourself and see why Shell is the only major brand of gasoline you should be purchasing, then go out and vote with your wallet this holiday season.

Belated thanks to Kaci for the link.


Blogger Listmaker said...

and unless i'm mistaken-

the incredibles wore blue back in the day

but now?

red all the way!

i rest my case.

December 8, 2004 at 10:18 AM  
Blogger Wisdom Weasel said...

Thank you for this; now I have yet another reason to sneer at Jets fans when they come to Foxboro.

December 9, 2004 at 6:33 AM  
Blogger youthlarge said...

Camel is 91% red. Now there's a company I could get behind you boycotting. Not only would it be boycotting a truly red company that you endorse, but it would be healthful too!

It's shocking to know that Ticketbastard is so blue! Whoodatunkit?

December 9, 2004 at 1:36 PM  
Blogger Listmaker said...


give jamie a break on the camels! i just heard wal-mart is going to open their first store in nyc in 2008. since he already has his boycott in place on that company, it should be easy for him to keep it going when they finally move here 3 years from now.

December 9, 2004 at 3:08 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

actually, seeing that has spurred me into a Camel boycott. i'm going back to American Spirits from this point on.

December 9, 2004 at 4:10 PM  
Blogger Listmaker said...


you've inspired me! i am boycotting mr. gatti's!

December 9, 2004 at 5:23 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

What I got from Choose the Blue:

Another reason to hate Hallmark: they're way red. I've already been boycotting them for years. I hate greeting cards. I think society would be better off without them.

With the telecommunications industry being so red, I may opt for Working Assets as my new cell phone provider. I haven't decided for sure. But the next time I get a Visa I am definitely getting it from them. Their rates are very low. And, of course, the whole reason for their existence is donating to progressive causes.

I now feel slightly less guilty about how often I buy books at Barnes & Noble instead of independent bookstores (about 50/50).

The company I work for is 72% red. But then, I already more or less knew that. I guess I'll just have to be a hypocrite. But hey, at least I'm only getting paid by my red company; I'm not giving them any money as a client.

December 9, 2004 at 5:52 PM  
Blogger youthlarge said...

i prefer to support places like st. mark's bookshop and shakespeare on Broadway but it's really difficult to compete with the ease, price and stock of amazon. i bought the comics edition of mcsweeney's at shakespeare and then got mad when it was $10 less on amazon! damn.

jim, if you switch to working assets, make sure you get your free pints of ben and jerry's ice cream.

December 10, 2004 at 1:17 PM  
Blogger youthlarge said...

p.s. where can i find a mr. gatti's in these parts? i loved that you could get spaghetti and pizza at once. i've only had it in austin, tx and baton rouge, la.

December 10, 2004 at 1:21 PM  

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