Fun With Numbers
From the April 2005 Harper's Index:
Percentage of born-again US Christians who have been divorced: 35
Percentage of other Amercans who have been: 35
Chances that the divorce of a born-again Christian happened after he or she accepted Christ: 9 in 10
Estimated number of yung Christians in 1995 who had pledged to wait until marriage for sex: 2,500,000
Estimated percentage who waited: 12
These numbers really require no further commentary.
Percentage of born-again US Christians who have been divorced: 35
Percentage of other Amercans who have been: 35
Chances that the divorce of a born-again Christian happened after he or she accepted Christ: 9 in 10
Estimated number of yung Christians in 1995 who had pledged to wait until marriage for sex: 2,500,000
Estimated percentage who waited: 12
These numbers really require no further commentary.